Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Misogyny is not funny!

Bill Maher’s misogyny expressed on September 14, 2007 towards breastfeeding moms and women in general is on par with Don Imus’s racist comments that got him fired! Women continue to allow misogyny to continue and we need to stand up for our rights the same way we react against racism.

Bill Maher of HBO’s “Real Time” is a misogynistic ignorant adolescent who compares breastfeeding to masturbation and women having babies to dogs. He says the only place where breasts and food go together is Hooters. Bill Maher must apologize for his offensive attitude toward women and their caring for their babies.

There is no reason for this type of hatred to be considered humorous and we hope that HBO will educate its public and its “comedian”. Maher should attend a class on breastfeeding so that he actually understands its role in human survival, or have Carolyn Malone, who sponsored the Breastfeeding Promotion Act, on his show.

Watch the video for yourself, http://youtube.com/watch?v=Aa696L6M6Sw (fast forward to about the 7 min. mark).

I have started a petition to get HBO to make Maher apologize or more. To be included email: billmahermustapologize@comcast.net All email addresses are private and not shared with anyone.

Does Bill put a blanket over his head when he eats? Does he remove himself to a dirty public restroom to eat? If Bill can’t control his hormonal, physical, or emotional response when he sees an inch of the side of a woman’s breast while she feeds her child then he should get some therapy. His comments are disgusting, denigrating, prejudiced and inciting of hate and misunderstanding. His promotion of misogyny should be considered a hate crime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The operative word here is comedy. Bill Maher does get serious during his program, but mainly when discussing politics. His rants about other subjects are there to get a laugh. The program can't be labelled misogynist any more than it could be labelled anti-Republican. republicans are often the butt of many of his jokes as well, but it doesn't prevent him from having many on his panel and in interviews. Lighten up and get a sense of humor that is not just tolerant when others are the target.